It got me thinking about what comes first?.... chicken? egg? His fresh & new nervous system is developing at such an exponential state, picking up everything from this new environment, good & "bad". Was he sick in the first place or just in the process of a powerful immunity reset system-wide? When the body chooses to express any symptom, there is always a purpose. When we throw up, it is because the body is getting rid of a "poison".... and, I can only imagine what a test it must be to be for a mom to see her child expressing symptoms and want to help & immediately stop the pain for a little one, what a challenge!
Our physiology is in a constant adaptive state, dealing with stress to survive as a basic function of LIFE; whether it be physical, chemical or emotional. When a powerful chemical is shot into this new & highly sensitive infant's system... the body responds to the stress of processing antibiotics. Just think of the last time you got sick, had the flu... it seems like every cell in my whole body cramps like its trying to squeeze "it" out, whatever "it" is... There is only 4 ways the body can get rid of toxins: breath, sweat, pee & poo. Fevers make ya sweat and the rest, well you know how that goes. Maybe this little one's nervous system just got overloaded with A) processing whatever immune shift that needed to happen at the time and B) then, had to process the antibiotics and C) assumed a "sick" posture to adapt.
Think about like this, a house has a breaker box for what reason? Yep, just in case there is a surge, force or overload on the electrical circuits... it saves the whole & sacrifices the power to maybe one part of the house turning off the power. Inside our spine is our very own breaker box that does the same thing for us! How smart! If we have chronic or a sudden major physical chemical or emotional stress... we blow a fuse at the level of our spine. Let's say you trip, fall, ouch: you hurt your back. Now, clearly that is a physical stress that causes subluxation (causing abnormal nerve function). But, what if you drink too much wine? Ever get a headache in the morning from one to many drinks? Sure. Your body has already experienced billions of stress's & has adapted wonderfully, mostly. Think you might be a little used to this by the time you are 20, 30 or 40 years old? What about at 6 months old? Whoa! Everything is a huge deal to process!
Now, what if you do not flip the switch & turn back on the breaker? Right, no power. How does that show up in a human being? Remember: our physiology adapts to stress to survive whether physical, chemical or emotional. Each time (& there are millions of moments), that we experience a trauma its like we get just a little dimmer, like the dimmer switch in your house. Look a perfect tiny newborn: radiant! Then look at most people as they age... usually a bit dimmer huh? So, checking babies keep them at 100% light & life force so their little bodies can grow, develop & change into big boys & girls!
Why wait for your children to grow up & deal with the problems you may be having now... Don't wait until there is a problem with your child, get them checked regularly as they blossom!
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