Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Natural Nourishment - Wed. February 22nd @ 7pm

Nourishment? What is BEING nourished and where does nourishment come from?

My mom would say that I take pretty good care of myself, in fact I think she thinks I am a bit hedonist. Always wanting to go to the spa when I am in town, pull out my yoga mat in the kitchen or go to the gym every day. She seems to give me the funny side look as I go out the door. Am I over-nourishing myself? Or do I just come from a different age group entirely, a differently mentality that HAD a different operating system... the freedom to choose to nourish this body in this life. We come from our parents operating systems in the way we view the options in life in subtle and sometimes powerful ways. As a chiropractor I hear men and women speaking about their lives and how they care for themselves all the time. They have belief systems around what is neccasary for nourishment in their lives, lets look at them together and create a powerful nourishing program to support you being as alive as possible.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What is communication? Commune. Connect. Relate. Share.

Why is communication important? It is Life itself. Communication is happening all the time around us. Within us. Our awareness of it is only but a fraction of what it really is.

Let's begin a journey, peeking into the microcosmic field of communication, through the levels of life until we reach the macrocosmic unified field of communication.

Once, you and I were 2 cells, within another human being & within 280 days we became a human being. There is something that communicated the creation and perfection of this process, what was it?

In Chiropractic we call the force, medium that creates and maintains life Innate Intelligence within the individual. This same Intelligence is still riding every cell, relating vital information within the human body.

Where did it come from? In chiropractic we say "as above, so below"... life is above down inside out. This undeniable Intelligence is operating all the time within us. It is Spirit or Nature or whatever you would like to call it.

Chiropractic connects man spiritual to man physical. We see sickness and disease and a block of the flow of Intelligence. The flow within the human body allows Communication to occur perfectly between the brain - body / body- brain.

Look at Intelligence as the program, the body as the computer, that Life Force as the power source.

Biological healing is cellular replacement. Perfect communication is required for perfect healing. For example, a leaf on the tree turns brown. Does it turn green again? No. It must die. What happens? A new bud will arise, a new leaf will grown. The same thing happens in our body. The time it takes to heal depends on the tissue being replaced. We have new skin every 7 days, a new heart every 2 months, new bones every 3 years. Why then do we not heal perfectly?

There is an Interference to the perfect communication & flow of Intelligence. Where does it come from? What is it? On a gross level, it is the traumas of Life. The build up of many little ones, the big ones throughout life. Think about the three biggest traumas of your life. When did they happen? So long ago. Did they shape you? These “Interferences” are Forces much like wind is a force. As the branch bends, so will it grow. So if a tree is on the side of a mountain, it will grow according to the continual forces of the wind.

Now, how do we remove Interference to perfect healing? First we have to know that it is happening. How? To restore the Communication of Intelligence. How? We must cultivate the sensitivity and integrity of our Nervous System. How?

Think of your Nervous System as the medium or highway of the Intelligence within you. It is speaking to you all the time. Just for a moment, close your eyes, become still, wait and listen. What did you get? This is the Intelligence communicating with you though the Mental & Emotional Impulses. Now, touch someones thigh with your finger. The other person: Before they touched you were you thinking about the sensation or area under their finger? No. Tap it a lot. Are you no highly aware for the sensation? Yes. This is the Intelligence communicating with you though the Physical Impulses.

The Chiropractic Adjustment restores perfect Communication of Intelligence. Every time you get adjusted, we are waking up your nerve system. Every day, every moment, trillions of messages are coming from your body to the brain, from the brain to the body... imagine a switchboard operator with trillions of lines trying to perfectly send massages to the right place all the time! The Chiropractic Adjustment clears the nervous system from overload. How?

Think of the electrical system in this house. There is one power source, you cant see the wires but you know they are there. There is power going to each room. Now, if there is a surge or force that the electrical system cannot handle what happens? Power to that room is turned off. Why? To protect the whole electrical system of the entire house. Smart, yes? Good, Yes? Is it optimal, no... The same thing happens in the human body. Daily stress, overload of the switchboard, or a large force, stress or “surge” occurs... Because we do not understand how Communication occurs within the body, we think “huh, I just woke up and my neck hurts, I must have slept wrong.’ No. You blew a breaker some time ago and did not know it, the body tried to restore power (communication), there was Interference to the communication and the power was turned off at the level of your neck to preserve the whole electrical system of your body.

Lets talk about Communication from Human Being to Human Being or your environment. Your connection to others in Life is essential for Life. Sickness and disease is Separation from Universal Intelligence. There is Innate Intelligence within and Universal Intelligence without. Ok. Let’s tap into the intelligence between us. For example, you are walking down the street, you see someone, is there not a feeling that arises as to whether or not to like that person? An attraction or repulsion? What about your job? Do you like all aspects of your job? Are you repulsed or attracted to a certain job requirement? What is there? The Intelligence within you is communicating information about your environment all the time. Why? TO GROW. What does all of LIFE do on this planet? GROW/DIE. What can you learn from the repulsion or attraction? You can learn about YOU. Where you can be more HONEST, LOVING, PATIENT, COMPASSIONATE, UNDERSTANDING, WISE because this IS GROWTH of a human being.

Listening. Turn to the person next to you. One person tells a story to the other about their day. Completely ignore the importance of what they are saying to you. How did it feel? Then, one person listens with full engagement and excitement. Switch. How did you feel when they fully listened to you? Imagine how YOUR BODY FEELS WHEN YOU FULLY LISTEN TO ITS REQUESTS? People come in and they say, “ya I have been feeling this tension for 10-15-20 yrs” like they are talking about the weather! When we IGNORE the attempt the body makes to communicate with us is when we experience DISEASE!

Let’s do an exercise in communication. stand up and be 5 inches from the person next to you face to face. Be present, look directly into their eyes, do your best to stay fully with them. What happened? What did you notice? What was communicated to you?

What is your current relationship with your self? How do you treat your body? Like a work house? Like a fragile child that is not strong that needs to be protected? Do you give it rest? How do you talk or communicate to yourself? Do you judge yourself? Ask them to share it.

We are currently running the operating system of a community that does not function from inside out. 99% of our world is outside in.

We have been talking about the Communication within the Human Being. So now we know that we have an Intelligence system from above down inside out, with the need to continually, perfectly communicate for Life and Health to be optimal. That the chiropractic adjustment removes the interference, restores the power and flips on the breaker.